In the event of a full or partial closure of the school, we will be using a combination of the school website and Microsoft Teams to provide work and guidance for remote learning. Please read the document below for more information.
(A copy of our full Remote Learning Offer can be found on this page)
Home learning
On these pages you will find specific work for each year group. This will be updated weekly, with the aim of providing a sequence of work in maths, writing and reading across the whole week, as well as extra activities in other subjects. All children in KS1 and KS2 have been provided with a 'Working at Home' book to complete work in. It is not necessary to print off worksheets, but of course you are free to do so if you find it easier.
It isn't always possible to provide work at exactly the right level for every child. Where possible, teachers will provide 'extension' work for extra challenge. If your child is finding any sequence of work too difficult, we suggest looking at the work of the year group below.
Creating 'school' at home
To help you and your children get through this difficult time, we suggest establishing a routine and some 'normal' practices.
It is important for children to have a space to do their work - this may be a desk in their bedroom, at the dining table or some other appropriate space. Of course each household will be different, but having a set place to go does help children feel more settled (much like having a set place to sit in class).
Access to the Internet will also be important. By using the school website to share work, you have a range of options for access. Any computer, laptop, Chromebook, tablet or mobile device, that has Wifi capability, should be suitable. Some smart TVs and even games consoles, have Internet capability, but you may need to install a browser app (such as Chrome or Firefox).
Establishing a timetable for each day would also be beneficial, especially in helping reduce anxiety by having this set routine. At school, we do some Maths and English each morning and other subjects in the afternoon. Regular breaks are important, especially giving children the chance to use some energy. The Government is highly recommending that everyone, including those in self-isolation, get regular exercise.
A suggested timetable may look like this:
Time | Activities |
9 am | Children dressed (possibly in uniform?), breakfast eaten, talk through the day. |
9.10 am |
Maths - following guidance from school.
Could include games, worksheets, puzzles, times table practice. |
10.00 am |
Break - could include time in the garden, short bike ride or walk, playing with toys. Snack and a drink |
10.30 am |
English Writing - following guidance from school.
Could include daily spelling practice, handwriting, worksheets, sentence writing, extended writing, grammar and punctuation practice. |
11.20 am | Break |
11.45 am |
English Reading - following guidance from school.
Could include reading pages/chapters, answering set questions, discussion about the book, a set reading comprehension, reading own book. |
12.15 pm | Lunch |
1.00 - 2.30 pm |
Other subjects - following guidance from school
Could include science investigations, artwork, history/RE research, music, geography, French/German, current affairs, computer coding. |
It is important that children have an idea of how they are doing in their work. Marking takes different forms in different subjects. Where possible, teachers will provide answers alongside work, that children could check themselves or for parents to use.
If you or your child are comfortable using OneDrive, then those in KS2 can share work with their class teacher, who will endeavour to look at it and provide some feedback. We are working on other methods for work to be sent in school electronically.
We appreciate that some of you may find teaching your children difficult, with several children at home, your own work to do and children going stir crazy! Whilst we can't be at the end of the phone/email every hour of the day, we will do what we can to support you. Please do get in touch via the school office if you are having significant difficulties or do ask fellow parents who will be in a similar position.