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School Data

You can find the school's performance data by clicking here or see our summary below.

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021/2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018/2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Key Stage 2 SATs Data 2019


This was a pleasing set of results showing that our Year 6 pupils left Pangbourne Primary School well equipped for the next stage of their education. We are not complacent however and will be focussing now on maintaining the overall levels of attainment and progress whilst improving the percentage of pupils working at Greater Depth.

The key data for our KS2 SATs results are shown in the tables below:




Reading: GDS Writing: ES+ Writing: GDS Maths: ES+ Maths: GDS
School % 82.8 34.5 82.8 10.3 79.3 41.4
National % 73.1 26.9 78.4 20.1 78.6 26.6

ES+ Those reaching at least Expected Standard              GDS Those reaching Greater Depth Standard

Scaled Scores Reading Maths
School average 106.3 105.8
National average 104.4 105

Progress Reading Writing Maths
School average +3.55 +0.81 +2.43
National average 0 0 0
Designation Well above average Average Above average

The following notes will help to interpret this data :


These figures show the percentage of our Year 6 pupils who achieved the Expected Standard or better in each of the core subjects of Reading, Writing and Maths. They then show the percentage of those pupils who were considered to be working at Greater Depth e.g. for Reading, 82.8% achieved the Expected Standard of which 34.5% were working at Greater Depth.

These results are then compared to the National average in each subject.

It can be seen that in all subjects our results were better than the National results, the only exception being in the percentage of pupils working at Greater Depth in Writing. This is an area for improvement that is recognised and addressed in the current School Development Plan.

Scaled Scores

A pupil's 'raw score' in the test is converted into a scaled score that's adjusted to account for the variation in difficulty of tests - a scaled score of 100 one year will be based from a different raw score from another year. Converting to scaled scores makes it possible to accurately compare performance over time. A score of 100 is the baseline for achieving the Expected Standard and a score of 110 is the baseline for working at the Greater Depth Standard. The maximum score is 120. Our scores of 106.3 for Reading and 105.8 for Maths suggest therefore that on average our pupils were over midway between the Expected and Greater Depth Standards.


This is probably the most important aspect of the data as it measures the progress achieved by the pupils from the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) to the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6). As such it measures the value added by our school over this period.

It can be seen that in each of the subjects our pupils progressed better than the National average. However these results can be misleading as there are good reasons why progress can vary from school to school. The DfE therefore applies a “Confidence Interval’ or tolerance for each subject which defines a range of results within which the progress score will be defined as average, below average or above average. A result of +2.4 for Maths, for example, indicates a very good level of progress, but if the Confidence Interval for an Average score is, say, between -1.5 and +3.0 it might still only be regarded as Average. However if that Confidence Interval is between -1.5 and +1.5 our score might be classed as Above Average or even Well Above Average.

For Pangbourne Primary School the progress in Reading has been assessed as ‘Well above average’. For Maths it is ‘Above average’ and for Writing it is ‘Average’.