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Our special needs provision is guided by the 'Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 0-25 years' and is embedded in our Special Needs policy.

At some time in their school career, a number of children will have special educational needs of some kind. Some children receive support and help to enable them to overcome a specific short-term difficulty, whilst others require such support throughout their time in school.

There are varying levels of support.  Children could be on the SEN Monitoring List or on the SEN register at SEN Support or EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) level.

The school has a trained SEND Coordinator who is responsible for implementing the special needs programme. Parents are fully involved in this process, and will be invited into school to discuss progress towards the set objectives.

We are able to consult with a number of outside support services as part of the West Berkshire Local Offer who can provide advice and support on a range of SEN issues.

The school SENDCo is Gareth Alder and can be contacted at: sendco@pangbourne.w-berks.sch.uk 

Click https://www.westberks.gov.uk/article/42837/Special-Educational-Needs-and-Disability-SEND-Local-Offer  for our local SEND offer.

Please see below for the SEND Local Offer Newsletter that is issued termly. Hopefully you will find it interesting and informative, it is just the shop window into everything that is available on the Local Offer. 

Spring 2022