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Science is vital in developing a questioning attitude to the world around us and understanding why and how things work.? Critical thinking and problem solving skills will serve pupils well throughout their entire lives.?
At Pangbourne science embodies everything about our school values and gives many opportunities for students to reach for their star:

  • Independence is required through critical thinking and organising investigations.?
  • Communication is required constantly, especially when working collaboratively on an investigation or research exercise.?
  • Creative thinking is required to solve problems.
  • Science offers many opportunities to get things wrong allowing children to learn from their mistakes and build resilient mindsets.?
  • Inquisitiveness is at the core of science learning as pupils are encouraged from the?earliest?age to ask questions and investigate the world around them.?


Our Curriculum map is based on the National Curriculum Programmes of Study.

Children will be taught to:

  • develop interest and enthusiasm for Science
  • develop skills, knowledge and understanding of Science
  • communicate and relate science to everyday life and develop these experiences through scientific investigations

Teachers will:

  • ensure cross curricular links where appropriate
  • teach children how to communicate their ideas effectively
  • ensure children have the opportunity to use ICT appropriately
  • make children aware of Health and Safety issues