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Applying for a place for your child

Entry to Pre-statutory Early Years Foundation Stage

Parents can register their child for a place from the age of two. An application form can be obtained from the school office; we will need to see the child's birth certificate on registration.

We will contact you as soon as a place becomes available for your child, usually around the age of three. You will be asked to accept this place formally in writing so that, if it is no longer required, the place can be allocated to another child.

If places are over-subscribed then the following criteria are applied:

  • Children who have strong social grounds for admission (supported by recommendations from relevant professionals).
  • Children who have an older sibling (including step or foster sibling) living in the same family unit, who will be attending school at the time of admission.
  • Children who live closest to school by the nearest available walking route.

Entry to Statutory Stage

West Berkshire Council is the admissions authority for all schools in West Berkshire, to whom completed application forms must be submitted. Applications should be made in the academic year before your child is due to start school.

Forms and deadlines are available from West Berkshire Council (01635 42400)

Even if your child is already in the school's pre-statutory Foundation Stage, transfer is not automatic and you will still need to apply for a place in school.

Currently, Pangbourne Primary School has a statutory admissions number of 30 places in each year. If the school is over-subscribed, the following criteria are applied by West Berkshire Council:

  • Children who live in the school's catchment area
  • Children who have siblings at the school
  • Children who have strong medical, social or denominational grounds

West Berkshire Council allocates places by letter in Spring, and once again you will be asked to accept the place in writing.

Non-routine admissions

If you have moved into the area, or would like to transfer your child to Pangbourne Primary School, places are allocated by the school or Local Authority (LA) provided that there are spaces in the relevant year group. It is highly recommended that you visit the school and talk with the Headteacher. You will then be able to discuss these procedures when you visit.


If your child is refused a place at school, you have the right to appeal against the decision to the Education Authority. Details of how to do this will be sent with the refusal letter.